Breaking News

This is my first “News” page for just over a year ~ on only the second day of 2022 I managed to fall off a ladder whilst pruning in the garden, badly fracturing and dislocating my left wrist. This ruled me out of action for three months (healing and undertaking physio), and there were a few anxious times where I wondered if my wrist would be able withstand the rigours of carving again. Thankfully, one year on, it’s nothing but a memory, and the bone feels strong again.

The main issue for me was the build up of jobs over those three months ~ something I’ve been trying to put right and catch up with for the rest of the year to no avail! One in particular was giving me a headache ~ a large central sculpture for a community piece for the Isle of Axholme and Hatfield Chase Landscape Partnership “Art on the Greenway” project: this had a strict deadline in the early part of the year, and I was extremely lucky to have someone as understanding as Paul Schofield, the Landscape Programme Manager at the time, who kindly extended the completion date.

During those weeks and weeks of inactivity, the website and social media posts were neglected somewhat, and I lost the habit of posting these updates; the resolution for 2023 is to catch up with this ~ I hope you enjoy catching up with it too!

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